Training Rooms
Aule formazione
Una grande sala corsi, spaziosa, luminosa e accogliente in cui comfort e funzionalità sono assicurati.
Progettata per qualsiasi tipologia di evento: adatta a top-conference, corsi di formazione, presentazioni, workshop e può ospitare da 14 a 23 persone, con la modalità front - desk oppure con disposizione multidesk e diventa una vera e propria sala conferenze da 42 posti totali con disposizione a platea.
La dotazione comprende, oltre ad un maxi display da 110 pollici, la diffusione audio modulabile dell’intero ambiente con gestione tramite pannello touch.
Grazie alle moderne dotazioni tecniche presenti potrete svolgere i vostri corsi di formazione anche da remoto organizzando web meeting e/o webinar.
Servizio catering a richiesta, per pausa-caffè, spuntini o menù completi. Copisteria e assistenza tecnica a disposizione degli utenti per tutta la durata dell’evento.
The room is ideal for large meetings, conferences or courses.It is equipped with a 110 - inch maxi - screen, Wi - Fi connection, web conference system and modular audio-diffusion with dedicated panel touch control. This room is separated from the M08 by a packable wall that allows to join the two.
Standard equipment
- Wifi connection - Ethernet
- Videowall of 110inch diagonal
- Projection via connection to the Videowall of PC, Smartphone, Tablet in wireless or cable mode
- Web Conference System
- Amplification system on the ceiling and Sound Bar placed under the Videowall
- Radio Wireless Microphones
- Panel touch room control
- Copy Service
- Access to the Coffee Area
On request
- Interactive whiteboard “Samsung Flip”
- Catering Service
This spacious and bright room seats up to 45 people and is ideal for courses, workshops and conferences.The space in “auditorium” configuration is equipped with small armchairs with folding desks, and a desk for the speaker. It is also suitable in “learning class” layout with a multi-desk configuration.
Standard equipment
- Wifi connection - Ethernet
- Videowall of 110inch diagonal
- Projection via connection to the Videowall of PC, Smartphone, Tablet in wireless or cable mode
- Web Conference System
- Amplification system on the ceiling and Sound Bar placed under the Videowall
- Radio Wireless Microphones
- Panel touch room control
- Copy Service
- Access to the Coffee Area
On request
- Interactive whiteboard “Samsung Flip”
- Catering Service
LoVi Business Center, the new business facility that sits on the first floor (square) of the Building "A", inside the "Lorenteggio Village".
Via Robert Koch 1/2
20152 Milano (MI)
P.iva/C.F. 03612360960
REA 1687853
Cap. Soc. 60.000.000,00 i.v.